Oct 7, 2020 | Death & Dying


What is that?  That is often the resounding question that is expressed once I tell people I am a death doula.  I get it.  I too had never heard of a death doula until late in 2018, and now I am one.

I have spent the last seven months reading, writing, and studying all kinds of different beliefs, practices, rituals, concepts, and mysteries regarding death.  Inadvertently, I have also been studying what it means to fully live.

On February 4th, 2020 I wrote this.

“Yesterday I accepted a call that has been echoing loudly in my head and heart for the last year.  It’s one of those calls that you feel like you must answer or it will never go away.  I don’t have the full vision yet, but I am surrendering to the call and trusting that God will show me the path.”

I dove deep into my studies with a wide open heart the day after I wrote that and I haven’t thought twice about my decision to do so, even in the midst of all the turmoil and unknown that has been brought about by COVID-19.  My studies couldn’t have come at a better time as this calling (and some might feel force) to go inward.

So what is a death doula?  You may also hear a death doula referred to as an end of life doula, a soul midwife, a death midwife, or a conscious dying doula.  You may also see or hear a death doula role being described in many different ways but, here’s the definition National End-of-Life Doula Alliance (NEDA) provides, “End-of-Life Doulas (EOLDs) provide non-medical, holistic support and comfort to the dying person and their family, which may include education and guidance as well as emotional, spiritual or practical care.”

The Conscious Dying Institute, from which I received my certified training, says their mission is to “Restore Death to its Sacred Place in the Beauty, Mystery & Celebration of Life.”  I am aligned with that mission in such a profound way and I believe we are at a time in human existence when we are ready to return to a deeper relationship and understanding of death.  2020 and COVID-19 have made that call loud and clear.

My mission as an end of life doula and coach is to invite grief, sorrow and fear out of the shadows, in which they have been cast away, and embrace the experience of death and dying as being wholly human.  I want to help people discover what death has to teach us about fully living.  When we embrace all parts of the human experience, not only the positive aspects of life, we also embrace the sacred responsibility of remembering who we are.  Holy and whole.  I knew this prior to my death studies, but it was deepened immensely.

I invite you to Come Home to Your Sacred Self by contemplating your own impermanence and relationship with death.

If you’d like to explore working with me you can find more about my end of life work HERE.

Grace & Peace,

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Life Coach, Green Design, Reiki, Metaphysical Healing

come home to your sacred self